I discovered I had a retinal detachment and it would have been easily fixed with laser surgery [not like lasik], however, the detachment was so severe, no simple surgery would do. I had to have a major operation in which a silicon buckle was to be placed around my eyeball. During the healing process, all did not go well and I had to have another procedure. I will spare all the details because it does get quite lengthy. I will say that for 3 months, I was an invalid. Pretty much under house arrest and stuck to the couch; I couldn't watch TV, draw, go on the computer, much less get up, and I had a patch over one eye. Looking out of the other eye just threw my depth perception off and made me queasy, leaving me to just keep my eyes closed.
Even though it's been 7 years, I've had a few setbacks, a few follow up laser procedures but overall, I STILL have my eyesight. The other day, I had my annual checkup and came out A-OK. Relieved? You bet. I can still continue to try and pursue this design passion I have and enjoy all the eye candy out there.
What are you thankful for this time of year? I hope it's not just during this time either.