Tuesday, December 14, 2010

breath taking

We already know about my font fetish and how much I just love typography.

Came across a video demonstrating calligraphy and I was simply blown away. I've always had a love for hand calligraphy. Growing up, I loved watching my mom work on diplomas for schools or even writing a note because she had such great penmanship. And that is probably how my love for typography came about.

Check out this guy and the amazing work he does. There are some videos that you can view and you'll be amazed. I wish I could do that as effortlessly as he!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary

The month of November is typically when everyone looks at their calendars and says, "asldkf$@#!! It's November?!?" realizing the holidays are around the corner, not to mention the close of another year that seems to have just zoomed by. We start to think of what we're thankful for, the frenzy of holidays, the shopping stress, etc.

For me, November is another sigh of relief that I can still see. 8 years and counting and we're still holding strong, I hope and pray it continues to do so. It doesn't seem like 8 years ago; I still distinctly remember feeling them sew up my eye when I woke up in the OR. The exhaustion of unrestful sleep because I had to sleep sitting up for 3 days straight. Then having to sleep with my head lower than the rest of my body for 3 days straight because I wasn't healing properly. And worst of all, the feeling that I might never ever see again.

November isn't 'just-another-Thanksgiving' month for me. It's a reminder of what could have been, what should have been, and what I really have right now.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So long, farewell?

Does anyone get tired of using Lorem Ipsum as placement text? I'm not necessarily tired of it, I just glaze over the letters and words at this point. I used to wonder what it all meant, but now, I just copy/paste/copy/paste.

This designer got tired of it and decided to create a cure. He decided he had enough of all that Latin mumbo-jumbo and created this website. He even allows you to select how many paragraphs you'd like, how it would look as a < p >, < h1 >, < li >, or text.

Check it out and use if you start getting bored of Lorem Ipsum and say Hello to Fillerati.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tis the season...

I know, Christmas on the mind already? You know it! I generally start to incorporate Christmas music into my everyday listening around the end of August. Yeah, I'm crazy. Hahaha!

But I also start thinking about what gifts to get people, Holiday parties, snow, cozy fireplaces...I love winter.

I always have a harder time trying to figure out what to get designer friends since it has to be aesthetically pleasing, obviously! But I think I found a few things on-line that any of them would really like.

Of course you'd want something practical, functional, and like I said, nice to look at. What designer doesn't like Pantone? Make a statement with a splash of color!

And who doesn't want to settle in for a movie night at home occasionally? The most popular Sans Serif and the most recent, Art&Copy.

I'm sure they'll be a hit this Christmas!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Colors and Bubbles!

Who doesn't love bubbles? I remember when I was a kid, one of my cousins had this huge birthday party and there were these huge bubble wands. The bubbles were as big as me, seriously! Everyone tries to make rings or other shapes out of bubbles. Someone created LETTERS. Ok, so it's not really the bubbles you first imagined, but still....I wouldn't mind having one of these!

Everyone's heard of numerology [based on your date of birth]. But have you heard of COLORstrology? It's pretty interesting; your birth color and favorite color may or may not be one in the same [it's not for me], but I must say, my color describes me pretty accurately. Of course, this is sponsored by the wonderful, almighty Pantone.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Game Night!

So by now, everyone pretty much knows that I love anything to do with typography. I get teased endlessly about it, but I don't care.

Look what I came across today! It made me so excited and I broke out in a huge smile, yes, you can laugh at me, I don't care.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I don't like change

Ok, that's not entirely true. I don't mind change, I just have a hard time adjusting to change; it takes me awhile to get used to, I'm a creature of habit, I can't help it.

The Oatmeal has some pretty funny stuff that's not just for designers but today's funny is definitely about designers and sometimes how I feel about change to my designs. Hahhaa, enjoy a good laugh - well, I did anyway.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

book worm

Summer's over so it's a little late for me to start a summer reading list.

I guess this is my Fall/Winter Reading list so is this one. Now if only I'd actually could carve out some time to read all of them...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


"I want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares."

"Design is thinking made visual."

- Saul Bass

Friday, September 24, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

That's a Wrap!

Was asked to dust off the camera and do a photoshoot with 1Achord for some of their promotional stuff.

Downtown Niles has restored some of the buildings while keeping the old town look and feel. Famous for Charlie Chaplin and the silent movie era as well as the train station, there were a lot of great spots for some shots.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

pitter patter

There are many things that make my heart go crazy. One of the things that tops that list are fonts. Crazy, weird, I know. I get called a nerd but I don't care.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Print is dying!

I hate that print design is dying. As much as I can appreciate digital media, I just LOVE print.

A few people have been asking lately about how to get print done, the process, etc.

Read on:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Eye Candy indeed

I LOVE type. I get called a nerd for liking typography so much. I can't help it.

Art based on typography.

A new blog to follow.