Sunday, June 10, 2012

Forever 21

It's been over a year since I've posted anything. I should probably start up blogging again, but with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., it's an overload.
Today marks the 11th year without the biggest inspiration in my life. On this day, my life was forever changed. Ria encouraged me to dream big, follow my dreams, and not to give up on art. When I felt so uninspired, when I felt like I couldn't do it anymore, she always encouraged me and believed in me when I didn't. 11 years, tragedy happened and her beautiful spirit was gone at 21.
In these past 11 years, I've been at my lowest of low and have been encouraged back up largely due to her foundation. It's bittersweet to be a part of; it helps distract from the tragedy of it all most of the time. Having your best friend missing from your life can never be fulfilled again. I keep thinking one day, I won't cry as much. Hasn't happened yet.
In the first years, I wondered how I'd be able to go on with art and design - my biggest cheerleader was gone. It wasn't an easy process, but I'm getting by. I think about all our conversations and it gets me going. I see things and I'm reminded of her words and I feel her pushing me through it.
I miss you more than anything Ria. Heaven sure is blessed to have you, I guess they needed you more than I do.

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